Brewing Dreams, a charitable initiative by Caferwa Ltd. aims to donate all of Kivu Noir coffee sales on Umuganda Day to build a nursery and day care school at Buliza Coffee Washing Station. Caferwa aims to replicate the success of Nkora Nursery at all stations it operates.
Brewing Dreams is a charitable initiative spearheaded by Caferwa Ltd., the parent company of Kivu Noir Coffee. On Umuganda Day, Kivu Noir Café will donate all sales to fund the construction of a nursery and daycare school for the farming community at Buliza Coffee Washing Station.
Caferwa owns 5 coffee washing stations and has successfully built a school at the Nkora Coffee Washing Station, in collaboration with Roy Everest Junior Foundation. The goal of this fundraising effort is to replicate the success of Nkora Nursery at Buliza Coffee Washing Station and eventually at every coffee washing station that Caferwa operates. Caferwa initiated this project to support the children of farmers, as they are the most integral part of the supply chain.
Kivu Noir Coffee was created in 2018 and would soon become Caferwa’s premium cafe & retail product, allowing a signifcant amount to be portioned to the Farmer community.
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